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Invisalign vs. Metal Braces: 5 Things to Know About Invisalign in New York, NY

SoHo Dental • Dec 18, 2023

Compared to metal braces, Invisalign offers a more convenient approach to correcting teeth alignment. Read about the benefits of Invisalign in New York, NY.

Invisalign New York NY

When you hear the words "orthodontic treatment," what comes to mind first? Are you imagining uncomfortable metal wires and brackets covering your teeth? That's no longer the only treatment option!

Instead, consider starting treatment with Invisalign in New York, NY. What's the difference between Invisalign vs metal braces? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Invisalign today!

1. How Invisalign Works

First, let's cover the basics. What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a brand of thin, clear, plastic aligners used during orthodontic treatment. The aligners are created using a thermoplastic material called SmartTrack.

Traditional orthodontic treatment involves using metal brackets and wires to bring your teeth into alignment. Invisalign uses clear, plastic trays that fit around your teeth. The clear coverings are less noticeable than the wires and brackets of traditional braces.

Invisalign is used to treat a variety of orthodontic issues, including spacing and crowding. It can also fix some mild and moderate bite issues.

Invisalign could treat your:

  • Open bite
  • Gap teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

Your dentist will likely recommend metal braces if you have more extensive problems. Research recognizes that Invisalign is more effective at treating some orthodontic issues than others.

During your consultation appointment, your dentist will assess your teeth for gaping and spacing issues. They'll determine if you're an ideal candidate for Invisalign treatment. If you're an ideal candidate, your dentist will create a 3D scan of your teeth.

They'll use the scan to show you how Invisalign treatment will improve your smile over time. You can use these images to determine if Invisalign treatment meets your expectations.

You'll receive a new pair of clear aligners every one or two weeks. Each pair will put a small amount of pressure on your smile. Over time, your teeth will move into the proper position to fix your alignment issues.

How many pairs of trays you'll need can vary based on the duration of your treatment. You will need to wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. Since treatment requires discipline and compliance, it's not ideal for younger patients.

2. Treatment Duration

Visit your general dentists in NY to discuss the issues you're facing. Remember, the duration of your Invisalign treatment will vary based on your orthodontic needs. Your dentist will assess your jaw and teeth to determine a treatment timeline.

Some patients only require Invisalign treatment for 10 months. Patients with mild crowding issues or imperfections only need treatment for three months. If you have mild to severe orthodontic issues, you may need treatment for 12 to 18 months. 

Some patients notice results in just a few weeks. However, it's important to remain vigilant as you undergo treatment.

You'll need to wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day to notice results. If you neglect to wear your aligners, you could delay your treatment plan. 

Ask your New York dentist about your treatment plan during your consultation appointment. They can give you a more accurate timeline.

They can also recommend complementary cosmetic dentistry treatments for a full smile makeover.

3. The Benefits

While comparing Invisalign vs metal braces, talk to your New York dentist about the pros and cons of each treatment option. They'll help you determine which treatment best aligns with your needs and goals.

One of the top benefits of Invisalign is its discretion. You won't have to worry about metal brackets and wires. No one will realize you're receiving treatment.

Since the aligners are made from clear plastic, they're nearly invisible. You can receive treatment without feeling self-conscious.

Unlike traditional metal braces, you can remove your clear aligners. You'll need to remove them to eat, drink beverages besides water, brush, and floss. Removing your aligners before meals can help you avoid damaging or staining the plastic.

Compared with metal braces, clear aligners are more comfortable and cause fewer problems. You won't have to worry about a bracket falling off or a wire cutting the inside of your cheek.

Your clear aligners are easy to clean. Brush them before and after meals to remove plaque and bacteria.

Unfortunately, Invisalign aligners are sometimes less effective for patients with more complex issues. If you have bridgework, Invisalign likely isn't the best treatment option.

Invisalign treatment also requires compliance. If you don't think you'll remember to wear your aligners 20 hours a day, consider braces instead. Some patients accidentally lose or damage their aligners, which can delay treatment. 

You may need to consider the Invisalign cost when making your decision. The national average cost for treatment with Invisalign is between $3,000 and $5,000. Treatment with metal braces is usually between $2,000 and $6,000.

The cost of treatment can vary based on your insurance coverage, location, and orthodontic needs. Visit your New York dentist for a more accurate estimate.

4. Ideal Patients

Your dentist will determine if you're an ideal candidate for treatment during your consultation appointment. If you're unsure about choosing between Invisalign vs metal braces, ask yourself:

  • Will I wear them 20 hours a day?
  • Can I afford Invisalign?
  • Will I take care of my aligners?
  • Do I feel self-conscious about wearing braces?
  • Do I have crowding or bite issues?

If the answer is yes, talk to your dentist to learn more about how Invisalign works. They'll determine if Invisalign suits your orthodontic needs. 

5. Aftercare

After completing your Invisalign treatment, you'll need to maintain your results. Otherwise, your teeth can shift back to their previous positions.

Prioritize your oral hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Neglecting your oral health can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Your teeth could start shifting if you develop an oral disease. 

Wear your retainers every night. Wearing your retainers will ensure your teeth stay in their new positions. 

Choose Invisalign in New York, NY

To recap, what's the difference between Invisalign vs metal braces? Invisalign uses clear, plastic aligners to straighten your teeth. With Invisalign in New York, NY, you can start showing off a beautiful, perfect smile in no time!

Considering Invisalign? Our team at Soho Dental Group is your best choice for achieving the smile of your dreams. We're dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of care.

Our dentists have completed thousands of Invisalign cases. Contact us today to schedule your consultation appointment.

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